We’ve got you covered. Explore this information for quick answers to your most pressing questions about Nazareth – specifically relating to enrolments and Year 7.
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Experience our community in action, see our beautiful facilities and meet our staff and students at a College Tour. Please familiarise yourself with our Enrolment Criteria and College Enrolment information online. Strict lodgement closing dates apply, and early lodgement is highly recommended. Click here to book a tour.
Our R-12 College enrolment application form allows families to enrol online and pay via credit card. A non-refundable $50.00 will be charged at lodgement. This fee is payable once per family. We recommend applications are lodged as early as possible and prior to any lodgement closing dates on our website. Click here to apply online.
Enrolment conversations are offered in order of the enrolment criteria and include discussions about the student’s and family’s needs, the ethos of Nazareth Catholic Community as well as financial and support expectations.
Once your application has been processed and assessed against our criteria, Enrolment Conversations are offered. Your Enrolment Conversation will be conducted two years before your commencement year. Formal offers of enrolment will then be made.
Offers for positions will be sent via email shortly after your Enrolment Conversation. To accept our enrolment offer, please confirm by returning the Enrolment Acceptance Form with the non-refundable acceptance fee of $200. *note your acceptance fee is subtracted from your first year’s tuition fee upon commencement.
Before your journey begins with us, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in transition programs designed to facilitate a smooth start. These initiatives encompass various activities such as information sharing between schools, student connection gatherings, uniform fittings, parent information sessions, and at Year 7; subject selections, co-curricular nominations, orientation days, and Academy Trials. While we offer comprehensive transition programs for Year 7 and Reception, families joining us at other year levels receive a more individual transition experience supported by our staff.
Where the number of enrolments exceeds the available places in any year level, Nazareth will prioritise acceptance as per our Enrolment Criteria and date of lodgement. We strongly suggest your submit your application for enrolment well before the final closing date.
It is imperative that an enrolment application is completed for each child in your family, including siblings of those students already attending Nazareth. Placement is not guaranteed if you do not apply by the final date for lodgement. The $50 enrolment fee is payable once per family.
Nazareth R-6 students do not need to re-enrol for Year 7 (enrolments across our College are continuous from Reception to Year 12).
Enrolment to Nazareth Early Childhood Centre does not give automatic entry into Nazareth Catholic College, as the college enrolment falls under a different set of criteria. Please visit the College Enrolment page for information about Reception enrolments.
Nazareth’s main intake points are at Reception and Year 7.
In the Primary Years (R-6 at the Findon Campus), our main enrolment point is at Reception.
In the Secondary Years (7-12 at Flinders Park and Kidman Park Campuses), our main enrolment point is at Year 7.
Offers for applications from families seeking enrolments in other year levels, will be made at the discretion of the Principal if and when positions become available.
We encourage you to contact our Registrar team if you wish to discuss enrolments outside of Reception or Year 7.
We are currently enrolling for Reception and Year 7 in 2027 and beyond.
For the latest information on the availability of places at Nazareth, please contact our Registrar team.
Please access our online Enrolment Calculator tool to help you work out the year your child will commence in each year level of their schooling.
No, there are no boarding facilities at Nazareth.
We proudly embrace our identity as a Catholic college and seek to live out our mission and vision every day. We warmly welcome students from diverse religious backgrounds, as well as those who may not align with any particular faith tradition.
We are dedicated to understanding and respecting the spectrum of faith experiences within our community, acknowledging the unique paths each individual takes on their spiritual journey.
Catholic Identity and Mission is central to our Nazareth identity; however, we embrace all students and families regardless of their experiences of faith. All students in Year 7 participate in a Faith Formation Day, which provides them with an introduction to the Nazareth experience of Catholic Identity and Mission. Additionally, our Religious Education Curriculum encourages discussion and dialogue whilst providing students with an understanding of Catholic theology and mission.
At Nazareth, we are committed to the education and wellbeing of all community members in all dimensions of life. Our school may be large in numbers, but we ensure that all students feel a strong sense of belonging.
Throughout their time at Nazareth, students, families, and staff belong to one of five Houses named after our Patrons: Catherine, Dominic, MacKillop, McAuley, and Romero. These Houses serve as welcoming, nurturing, safe, and consistent environments for pastoral care, aiming for each person to experience a sense of spirit, belonging, and identity, while developing significant relationships within these smaller groups in our community.
We are dedicated to nurturing the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wellbeing of each student, and provide support through counsellors, chaplains, and dedicated House and leadership staff who ensure that each child feels valued and supported.
We foster strong partnerships between parents, teachers, and students, and strive to create a collaborative environment that promotes holistic growth and wellbeing.
Visit our wellbeing page to learn more.
Our House system is key to ensuring all students have a strong sense of belonging and positive relationships. Encompassed as part of the house system are our Mentor Group program and wellbeing programs. Additional opportunities throughout Year 7 in particular are aimed at fostering strong friendships and include activities such as Year 7 camp. Click here to read more about our Pastoral Care Program.
Yes – but they will not be in the same MG class.
Students stay in the same house for all of their schooling, which fosters a strong sense of belonging and relationships.
This will not necessarily be the case, it will depend on which houses students are placed in, if they have older siblings or if there are specific requirements around students wellbeing and learning. Again, one of the key purposes of the House system is to ensure all students have a strong sense of belonging and positive relationships. Often times, students from the same school, where possible are placed in the same house.
There are many opportunities for students to continue to nurture friendships during their primary years of learning, wellbeing, and informal activities.
Information regarding placements for students that is important to their wellbeing and/or learning are normally shared as part of the enrolment conversation and transition process. This information may be shared by either the family or, more often, the student’s class teacher/school.
Students will find out on Orientation day what House and Mentor Group they are in. They will meet their Mentor Group teacher on the first day of Term 1.
We encourage families, students and staff to converse regularly to support wellbeing and learning. Your key contact initially will be your child’s Mentor Group teacher. This will be a conversation with your child’s teacher if it’s an academic concern. We also have counsellors available on-site.
We have a zero tolerance to bullying.
We use what is known as a restorative practices approach – first and foremost, we need to know about it if it’s happening.
Again this can be through your child’s Mentor Group teacher, house coordinator, counsellor or other staff member. Information on supporting student wellbeing, codes of behaviour and bullying and harassment can be found on our Policies, Documents and Forms page.
Our Mobile Phone and Electronic Devices Policy is available on our Policies, Documents and Forms page. If you need to contact your child, this can be done via contacting Student Services – very similarly to how you would now do it at your primary school.
We have 24 – 25 students per class – no larger than other secondary schools.
At Nazareth, we don’t segregate students based on academic performance. Instead, our classes are designed to include a diverse range of students with varying levels of academic ability.
In 2024 Year 7 students will study a selection of compulsory subjects from the Australian Curriculum, together with a range of Elective Subjects. Compulsory subjects are Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Health & Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages (Japanese or Italian).
Students will study each of the following elective subjects for a term to develop skills and inform their future choices; Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Cook & Create, Digital Competencies, Digital Technology and Design & Technology.
Subjects are undertaken in a number of different learning spaces and specialist facilities with key teachers.
Students have lessons timetables across the week, with a combination
of single and double lessons. The timetable includes time for Mentor Group. Students will join a neighbourhood, consisting of 4 classes and a team of teachers who know the students well. Teachers will teach multiple classes within each Neighbourhood and each neighbourhood will base themselves in a home classroom. This provides a transition into Middle School and is new in 2024.
We offer multiple pathways across various curriculum areas, including Vocational Education & Training opportunities for students. Visit Curriculum Handbooks for more information.
We utilise the learning management system called SEQTA. This is a partnership between students, families and staff. Further information about SEQTA is provided to families at the Term 1 Year 7 Parent Information Night.
We have homework guidelines at Nazareth, and as a guide in Year 7, we recommend 5 hours a week (1 hour Monday – Thursday) and 1 hour on the weekend. A significant amount of time is given throughout the school day in lessons to complete work, so when students stay organised and on task, the amount of homework is less. These guidelines are available on our SEQTA platform when you commence – along with other policies
and guidelines
In partnership with families, we tailor individualised learning and wellbeing plans to ensure that every child receives personalised attention, nurturing, and appropriate challenges in their educational journey. Our dedicated Learning Diversity team comprises fully qualified teachers, education support officers, and disability/personal care support officers, all committed to providing the necessary support and resources to meet the diverse needs of each child.
If your child has been identified in the transition process as requiring additional support discussion will take place prior to commencement with our learning diversity team. Your child’s transition to secondary schooling may look different to support them. Additional support can look a number of different ways; sometimes it may be a learning diversity team member working with a student, or small group of students in the classroom, or outside the classroom for that lesson, or alternatively, the student may join the designated learning diversity learning spaces. We encourage families to be in
conversation with us around your child’s learning.
There are several support systems in place to ensure your child remains on track. SEQTA is a fantastic platform that allows families to see all assignments, homework tasks and due dates in real-time. As a school, we offer Homework support after school in the Library and Maths support 2 nights per week. We encourage ongoing communication between home and school and work together to assist students to stay on track. Further information about SEQTA is provided to families at the Term 1 Year 7 Parent Information Night.
We recognise every member of Nazareth as a unique learner, and we honour and appreciate each individual’s gifts, talents and potential. If your child is exceptionally gifted, we will provide them with opportunities for learning extension and in some cases this is across campuses. This may include: Differentiation, Tournament of Minds, Maths Quiz Night, State and National subject specific competitions and extra-curricular opportunities.
Laptops are provided to students at the beginning of Year 7. The cost is included as part of their tuition fees. ICT Acceptable Use of ICT Procedure can be found on our Policies, Documents and Forms page.
Students are expected to take their laptops home each night, where they will be utilised for homework. The laptop must be charged at home and brought to school with a full battery.
Laptops are centrally managed by the College Network Team, which includes access to the necessary programs required for learning.
From 2025 Nazareth will supply all required textbooks and workbooks for students. Families are asked to purchase or supply their own stationery items from the list provided each year. These items can be purchased through the school’s Qkr! app. The mandatory lock is a compulsory item and must be ordered through the school.
SEQTA is the learning management system we use at Nazareth to manage various aspects of teaching and learning, including lesson planning, assessment, communication, and student data tracking. It helps streamline administrative tasks and facilitate communication between teachers, students, and parents.
Prior to your child starting, a profile will be created on SEQTA, and a detailed information session will be provided for families at the beginning of Year 7, during which we will take you step by step through how this platform works.
SEQTA is available for parents and students on a desktop or mobile device. Students will have access to SEQTA on their school laptops. They will be supported in setting this up on their first days in Term 1.
There are many opportunities across many activities and abilities at Nazareth. Our co-curricular activities are thriving, with anything from Pedal Prix and Mountain Biking to Debating and Titration competitions. We cater for a diverse range of interests! Read more on the Opportunities page.
With ‘Participation’ as one of our “Five Habits of Excellence,” we actively encourage all students, regardless of their experience level, to get involved in extra-curricular sports.
However, if sport is not for you, students at Nazareth are provided a range of other unique extracurricular options.
Read more about the unlimited opportunities available at Nazareth.
Co-curricular sport runs for the entire year, with Summer Sports occurring in Term 1 & 4 and Winter Sports Term 2 & 3.
We offer a range of opportunities in; service and leadership, specialist academies, sport, expressive and performing arts, music, digital technology, art and faith formation. Look under opportunity on our website for more information.
Starting in the primary years, music becomes an integral part of every student’s experience at Nazareth – whether it’s through participating in the curriculum, joining a choir or ensemble, or taking instrumental lessons.
Read more about music opportunities.
Instruments can be hired for students who are undertaking instrumental tuition. Read more about our music program and tuition.
All students learn Italian from Reception to Year 6 at the Findon Campus. Italian and Japanese are both offered from Year 7 at the Flinders Park and Kidman Park Campuses. Students have the option of studying either Italian OR Japanese which is compulsory in Year 7 – 9 and studied as an elective in Years 10-12.
Students at Nazareth are provided unique opportunities to take their learning beyond the classroom and experience different perspectives.
Our students participate in camps in Years 5, 6 & 7, where they have the opportunity to strengthen current relationships and make new ones.
In Year 9, students participate in the Rite Journey Abyss, a challenge experience taking them out of their comfort zone to help them learn more about themselves.
Retreat programs in Years 8, 10, 11 & 12 provide students with faith-centred formative experiences. These events are one of the most powerful and enjoyable experiences of a student’s time at Nazareth.
Further camp opportunities are also available for students who participate in Music, Student Leadership and Outdoor Education.