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Contact Us

Central Administration: 8406 5000
Registrar / Enrolments: 8406 5012

Early Childhood Centre: 8406 5080

Findon Campus:
Primary Years (R-6) Admin: 8406 5100
Absentee Line: 8406 5105
Absentee Email: click here

Flinders Park Campus
7-9 Administration: 8406 5300
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Kidman Park Campus
10-12 Administration: 8406 5200
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Uniform Shop: 8351 7486
OSHC: 0439 896 557

Attending Our Centre

An integrated childcare service incorporating a Catholic preschool.

Nazareth Early Childhood Centre is an integrated service that provides a Catholic Preschool program within our long day care structure.

We are licensed for 100 children a day from six months to school age, with approximately 200 children attending over the week. Our five rooms offer care and education programs that all value play and incorporate Catholic social justice teachings. We cater to families with children aged 6 months to 5 and a half years.

Opening Hours

Long Day Care

Our Centre is open for 50 weeks per year from 7am – 6pm from Monday to Friday for education and care. Children can come for all or part of the day, covered by one daily fee.

Preschool / Kindy

Our Preschool operates during the school terms from 8:15am – 3:45pm. Childcare is available outside of school terms. Children are eligible for 15 hours (2 days) Preschool per week during school terms.

We close for approximately 3 weeks over the Christmas/New Year period and have occasional closure days throughout the year, of which families are notified with ample time for alternative care arrangements.

Continuity & Connections

We have a minimum attendance requirement to support each child in building attachments and connections with staff and other children. To provide continuity and engage children in a quality program, a child must attend the Early Childhood Centre for at least 2 days.

To reduce the fragmentation of children’s lives, we encourage parents of children at Nazareth ECC to place their children solely with us for Kindy. Splitting your child’s week by attending an alternate Kindy doesn’t allow for strong partnerships and connections. One set gives your child predictability with people and environments, allowing the continuity required to build identity and self-confidence.

Fee Schedule

We aim to provide exceptional service in both staffing and resources. Our Centre is a non-profit incorporated body integrated into the Nazareth Catholic Community.

Our Long Day Care fee is $149 per day
Our Kindy (Preschool) Day rate is $107 per day (for children attending 8:15am – 3:45pm)

This rate does not consider your eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). We are a DECD-funded preschool and, as such, attracts Government Funding. To continue your secure and regular care and avoid a loss of place, fees must be paid fortnightly. Our Debitsuccess Direct Debit system is our preferred method of payment.

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Forms & Information
ECC Family Handbook
ECC Financial Information for Families – 2025 *
Childcare Subsidy Activity Test
Holiday Cancellation Form
Change of Personal Details

* Also available under Fees & Finance

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Early Years
