As part of our approach to Student Pathways, we offer a wide range of Stage 1 and Stage 2 courses from the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), as well as an increasing number of VET pathways and skills programs with connections to industry and community.
As a Nazareth student, young people in our care are able to explore the range of learning and pathways available to them, including combinations of SACE subjects, VET qualifications and community outreach experiences, leading to pathways to University, industry, apprenticeships, further training and employment.
Depending on their selected course and pathway, students may undertake their learning across our Flinders Park Campus, Kidman Park Campus, St Gabriel Centre and in some instances even off campus, enabling students to consider and explore broad options to fulfil their aspirations.
Courses can be tailored to best suit the needs of our students so that they enjoy and fully engage in their senior years of learning and prepare for life after Nazareth as independent, knowledgeable and skilful young adults with the capabilities and employability skills to make an impact in their world.
As students undertake their learning at Nazareth, they are exposed to opportunities and experiences that immerse them in the world beyond school so that they can inform their thinking about their own futures. These are considered rich and valuable learning experiences that complement curriculum learning.
Here at Nazareth, we are continually building our strategies and programs to ensure all our learners are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and capabilities they need to make an impact in this changing world.
Adele Broster
Leader of Pathways & Partnerships
Particularly for our senior learners in Years 9-12, significant time in Term 3 is dedicated to future planning as we commence the Subject and Pathway Selection processes for next year. Nazareth is committed to supporting students and families by providing comprehensive guidance through this process.
It’s important for all our learners, regardless of age, to understand the opportunities available – an awareness that encourages them to explore and contribute to our local and global community, industry, and economy.
It all kicks off with the Nazareth Career Expo on Wednesday 31 July (Week 2) at the Kidman Park Campus.
Our Future Pathways Guide Book is a resource containing everything you need to know for the pathways and subject selection process in Term 3.
To further support students and families, we will be hosting three Information Sessions during the Career Expo. As a prelude to the Q&A Information Sessions, we have developed a video presentation to provide a basic understanding of the SACE, Nazareth subjects, VET opportunities, ATARs, and the pathway selection process. This will help you come prepared to discuss your questions with our staff.
Watching the video, attending these Information Sessions, and reading the Guide Book (above) are crucial steps to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the individual pathway opportunities available for your child throughout their senior schooling and beyond.
Students have access to the Nazareth Career Tools website, which has a range of valuable pathways information and employment opportunities.
Students are able to make an appointment at any time with Nazareth’s VET and Careers Counsellor by booking through the portal.