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Happiness is Handmade: The Final Findon Mosaic Installment

In Term 3, 2023, our Year 6 Students (Class of 2023) had the opportunity to gain experience and insight into the process of creating artwork for display at the Findon Campus. They were fortunate to work directly with a practising artist and designer of the mosaic mural at the Findon Campus, Gail Donovan.

Students worked alongside Grandparent volunteer Ms Gerry Turner, and were supported by the help of Primary Visual Art Teacher Ilvanna Mittiga, and Education Support Officer Katz Panos.  

The Year 6 House Leaders and Year 6 students worked with Gail in the early stages of the creation of this panel.

“The team spirit, enthusiasm, and pride taken in this process were both evident and admirable,” says Gail.

“Gail states “The meaning behind the panel is to highlight the houses and the charisms of the people whose amazing lives have inspired so many, and in this case, are at the heart of the values that Nazareth stands for”.

“The prominent motifs in this design are the five circles or House Logos representing each of the Nazareth House Teams. Catherine, Dominic, MacKillop, McAuley and Romeo. The primary symbol in each expresses the Central Charism or Spiritual Gifts of each of the Founders after whom each of the Houses is named.” Gail continues.

“Even though there are five different teams it shows we are united as one no matter what, which is what Mrs Donovan wanted to symbolise. The house teams are my favourite element and I enjoyed working on my own house” says Xavier, Year 6 House Captain.

Gail shares the meaning of the different elements in the mosaic mural “The ribbons in the House colours, originate from the heart of Jesus at the centre of the Cross. This was represented in the first ‘In Joyful Hope’ panel’. The weave through and around the House logos, representing the movement of the Spirit throughout the Nazareth Community, inspired by the lives and charism of these amazing men and women.”

“Silver and gold stars are symbols of achievement, available to all who are inspired to live with Love, Kindness, Courage, Strength and Compassion, each in their own small or larger ways as young people now and into their adult lives.”

“At the top of the design, we see echoes from the Creation Panel at the start of the Community Mosaic over 10 years ago. Creation is ongoing and ever-present in our lives. Thus, the Eternal Presence of God, symbolised by the Rainbow Ribbon encompassing the whole Mural. Above and below this continues here, along with stars and spirals of the Cosmos above, and the greens of the grass, plants, and pebbles from the Earth below”says Gail.

“It was great working with Mrs Donovan she taught us many techniques during the process of creating the mosaic. She showed us the importance and development of cutting, gluing, and drying the pieces together and I learned that it takes a long time to create” says Sienna, 2023 Year 6 House Captain.

Josh, 2023 Year 6 Captain says “It’s good that we as a cohort have left our mark behind now we have left. We enjoyed being House Captains and given the opportunity to be part of the mural.”

This is our last Mural at our Findon Campus, and we thank Gail for her tremendous work in designing and putting this piece together for our Community. Make sure to check of the mural near the Discovery Centre.


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